Luxman D-06u cd-player

Hello folks!
I am considering buying this player. Anyone knows this player well? How does it sound? And how long is the load time from inserting a cd - to the player starts playing the cd? Many high end cd-players are so slow!
Is the cd-tray quiet when open/closing?

I dont think many of you have the U-version of the player, but I think the answers to my questions should be the same as D-06.

Thanks for help!
I recieved mail from Luxman and they say it takes 20-30 seconds to load a cd. I think that's a very long time! Anyone have this player and can see how long time it exactly takes?
I have the D06, not sure it s the same as you are asking about (the "u"), but I find it a total pleasure all around. I have it mated to a Luxman 509U integrated driving my beloved Vandersteen 5As. It take a few seconds to load a CD, but, please, why is that a problem? Sound is magnificent, have this system in a large and dedicated room (clearly, I live alone these days).