PSAudio Direct Stream or Bryston BDA/BDP2?

Hi All,

I've had five foot surgeries and may, due to mobility issues, have to switch to digital audio for my home. I love my system, but I have almost know knowledge of DACs or other such matters. From what I can tell, my budget would allow me to go either PSAudio Direct Stream or the pair of Bryston units. Nobody I can find sells both, so I can't ask a dealer, hence I turn to you folks. Can people please help me figure out which of the two options I've mentioned is better? Or, is there some other gear I should consider?

Thanks in advance,

No brainer, ModWright Sony HAP-Z1ES. I was considering BDP-2/Antipode with a $10K range DAC and my brother has a DirectStream.

Search threads for owner comments. GL!
I use a BDP-1/PS Audio DSD DAC combo and it couldn't be simpler and I couldn't be happier with the ease of operation and the sound quality.


I ordered a BDP-2. Have you compared the BDP to a transport going through the DSD? If so, what are your thoughts.
I own the BDP-2 and the PS Audio Direct Stream.
Previous to the Direct Stream I owned the BDA-2 Dac. It was a very good Dac, just not in the same category as the Direct Stream.
The BDP-2 is a little fussy, but overall its a great convenient usb player and mates well with my Direct Stream.