Tidal vs. Spotify

Tidal sounds better for sure. Search functions aren't as good as Spotify but if you are currently using Spotify, give Tidal a try and let me know what you think!
I also search on Spotify then build titles on Tidal from my Spotify search. The best way I have found is to have both open on a desktop at the same time while doing the personal programming.

Can you explain your search method ? What does Spotify give you that Tidal doesn't via search ?
As recommended above, I signed up for Tidal Streaming and immediately cancelled my account.

I discovered that Tidal Hi-Fi CD quality streaming is ONLY available on the Chrome browser and is NOT available on Safari, Bing or IE. I was very surprised. AAC 320 streaming is available on Tidal using Safari but the hi-fi CD quality option is not. I am willing to pay $20 per month for Hi-Fi CD quality but not for the AAC 320 streaming option.

I immediately contact Tidal and they report "they are currently working on making TIDAL available for more browsers. This expansion should happen soon as we finalize development".

I sm surprised that Tidal only supports Chrome and not the other popular browsers. Does anyone know when Tidal Streaming will support Safari and the other browsers?
Do you have to use a browser ?
If you have windows they have a downloadable app that can be set to the CD quality.
I run this app from Win 7 computer USB to DAC to processor or headphone amp, very satisfied, especially for the $20 fee.
My browser is Safari on my Mac. I do not have Windows or plan to run Windows on my Mac. I will re-activate Tidal when they support Safari. My guess is it will be very soon.