Best older universal for CD playback??

I am wondering if anyone has compared the universal players below for CD playback sound and what were your observations. I am trying to stick with one machine verses one for DVD and one for CD but that can be tough I cannot afford the newer units and to me many are hyper detailed and not what I am looking for. I have heard the DVD 7001 and DVD 3800 and thought the Denon was warmer. Probably the ALPHA processing. I had that on my Denon 1650AR I had for 9 years and it did make it more musical and analog. Thanks
Marantz DV 7001,DV 9500,DV 9600
Denon DVD 3800,DVD 3910,DVD 3800BD,DVD 2930ci
Sony DV 9000 ES is outstanding, and it plays SACD 2 channel. I have this machine in my bedroom system and don't believe you could find a better player in the second hand market that fits your requirements. Sony put this player together too, it weighs 30 pounds! I had the 3910 too, and it is a good machine but not in the league of the Sony for 2 channel playback, but the 3910 plays multi-channel SACD and CD-R. Good luck.
"05-18-15: Colekat
Sony DV 9000 ES is outstanding, and it plays SACD 2 channel."

That's the same one I recommended in an earlier thread. I haven't seen one come up for sale in a while, but they were going for about $400. One of the reasons that player is a nice option is that there are a few reputable companies that mod them. Mine is stock because I have a really good CD player, but if I didn't have it I would probably send the Sony out and have it done.
Besides ModWright, which other operation(s) are modding CD/DVD players in 2015?

Not too long ago, there were several mod operations, sadly, most have closed shop (no pun). Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
VSE was a popular choice for the 9000ES. I don't know if they are still in business.
Another vote for the Sony S9000ES. It does everything well. It Has most of the inputs/outputs. It is a heavy, rugged cd/sacd/dvd player well worth your consideration. I have one in my office system connected to an Eastern Electric Minimax DAC, superb.