Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

Sure, Kubla, but who cares and besides show me another psychopathology with so much fun-potential which is on the safe side of the law. Generally, as Orson Welles used to say, all the good things in life are either illegal, immoral or fattening. Cheers again!
Kubla, Detlof -- a daily dose of lithium for all of us??? Together we could get a group discount.
Detlof, what's the actual mix you use (50/50%?). And how do you "treat" the surface? Thanks!
Cheers to all inmates!
before each play, i manually rotate the LP by its label with the index finger of my right hand while brushing in the prescribed rotary fashion with a dry discwasher in my left. note to belt drivers - try this at your on risk, hehe. then i deftly dedust the brush in the opposite direction over my left hip. in winter, following cleaning but before play, i lift the LP from the platter and touch the edge of it to the tip of my nose to remove static. i've never collected a dust bunny on my stylus and by using a dry brush accumulate no sludge. quite infrequently should i hear a pop during play i check the LP surface for tiny meteorites. using the business end of a 'heavy' plastic guitar pick usually dislodges the offender back into space.
Lithium impairs hearing acuity Greg, and should only be applied when we go repeatedly on buying sprees and are spending more than we can afford. The mix is about 2% of the molly to the rest of the stuff and I use it with a felt brush on which I apply appropriate amounts of the liquid with the help of a pipette. The trifluor stuff is actually what the Last record preservative used to be made of and the molybden idea came from a product called scratchfixer....and thanks Rockvirgo, I'll add the nose part to my ritual. Cheers,