Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

On an average night I'm not cleaning records. I walk toward my rack, wine in hand and open up the tray of my CD player which sits next to my turntable. I place the glass of wine on the open Cd tray and brush my record with an AQ brush and clean the stylus. I then grab my wine and sit back and listen. Who said CD players were worthless?
Geez, Longplate, I've been racking my brains for yrs trying to figure out why that thing popped out of the cdp! Thanks to you, I found use for the other cdp in the cupbord... electric coasters especially effective when listening to music with friends.

(Detlof, "top-loading": does that mean a shaker?)
I NEVER apply anything to my Linn Klyde. Matter of fact I've had nice tables since 1980 and have never put anything on any of my styli. I am a Linny (looney?) and follow the edict that anything added to the mass of the stylus is going to degrade sound, as it will inevitably slow down its movement.

I remove big dirt off the record only if needed with a carbon brush. Believe it or not I use a small bit of silly putty to clean my stylus every LP side (or so). I used to work at a Linn shop and I know I guy there who has sworn by Putty for over 15 years. He has verified its effectiveness by microscope and durability testing (all of our cartridges over the years).

If I really like the record I'll clean it with a machine.

I put new sleeves on all records.

That's it!!
steveline, if you're joking about the silly putty you have about two hours to tell me before i ruin my new glider. for the love of jesus, let me know asap!