Best Online Music Retailers

OK, I did a quick search and could not find a thread on Agon dedicated to this topic, so apologies if this is a rehash. What are your favorite online music retailers and why? Best for physical media - records, CD's, XR and Gold CD's, SACD's and music videos? Best for Downloads? Very curious where others get their music online. Not interested in hearing about garage sales and brick and morter stores here - that is for another thread.
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A good place to find out of print discs is, which is a kind of clearinghouse for a lot of mostly European music resellers. Often when I have been looking for an out of print disc it fetches two or three times as much on the Amazon used market as it does when you get into the European resellers. You can do search by media, etc. Has always been professional and quick.
Thanks folks - I was requesting your favorites, not necessarily an exhaustive list.

I goggled "Tpreaves opinion" and got ten threads by you, none regarding online music sources. I goggled "Tpreaves favorite" and I also got ten threads, none regarding online music retailers. I asked the question on here and I received both you opinion and your advice on how to use the Internet. Two for one - how lucky can I get!
Acoustic Sounds my favorite for vinyl online, and for locating SACD titles. It's well organized for search purposes. Once title located, Amazon to audition online, then purchase "used" if possible. Got some great deals like this. Also Amazon for occasional download.