Record Clamp for Rega P5?

Anyone have any ideas for record clamps that will work with the Rega tables? I've got a P5 and the spindle is too short for a Michell clamp to hold.
The Rega's spindle is too short for most clamps to work. I only know of two clamps that can do the job: one is known as the "Pig" and the other one is from Ortofon. The Pig is shaped like a nipple and works great. The problem is finding one. I don't know if the company that makes them still exists. The Ortofon will work, but you have to file or sandpaper a few millimeters off the three plastic feet for the clamping hole to reach the spindle.

Happy listening,
I doubt that the Pig is still around. It seems to me that the Pig was a Revolver product. If so, it would probably be unavailable new, since Revolver is gone (at least out of the turntable business.) You might find one used--most likely with a Revolver turntable, which I think included the Pig as standard. If you think it's impossible to have too many turntables, this could be your excuse to buy another one. ("I needed the clamp!")

I've heard that KAB ( sells a clamp that someone was claiming works on the Rega.

One point worth thinking of, however, is that a clamp may not even be necessary. Rega doesn't appear to belong to the school of "clamp it as tight as possible" and so their turntables may sound their best clampless.
I've been using a souther clever clamp on my p25 with good results- inexpensive fix!