ARC Reference Phono vs. BAT VK-P10 SE

Any experience/comparative data re: the ARC Reference Phono vs. the BAT VK-P10 or the VK-P10 SE ("special edition" upgrade)? Thanks!
Mike, thanks for the very thoughtful response. I will take it under consideration. (no sense in throwing $2K at something if that is not the preferred answer) and given the rest of this system. I will try to get a hold of a Lamm and/or Manley prior to a final decision. Bob.

Since we are enlarging the scope of our phono preamp discussion, forgot to ask you guys what you think of The Groove, esp. since HP raved about it so much? Bob
The Groove is very good. Not as good the Manley. The Manley is extremely flexible which allows for optimal loading, accomplished easily, and is very, very fast, neutral--and musical. Like all tubed equipment, it's performance can be enhanced by replacing, in its case, the 6922s, which are most deficient. But even stock, it should outperform the other units you mention.
Also if you were to go the "direct" route or to replace the ARC Ref 2 with a Placette, you would not only come out ahead sonically, but also financially.