Dynavector DV-507 Mk II ?

Has anyone had the chance to audition/buy the Dynavector DV-507-II arm? The jointed arm design looks cool, how does it sound? $4K, worth it?
Some people really like this arm, some don't. It has an interesting design which solves some important problems, but unfortunately creates others.

Whatever the opinions, it is a very well made arm. I personally feel that you could do better for less money.
Zaikesman: The looks are what attracted me, but I have been working as an engineer for over 20 years and immediately saw some structural and dampening advantages to a jointed arm. The anti-skate is also interesting. Using a magnetic device "should" apply even pressure for the width of an LP, while the hanging weight found on most high-end arms is, at best, applying a smoothly changing ammount of pressure across the LP.

TWL: What problems are created? I am considering this arm for use on a (future purchase) Teres with a wood plinth.
