Technics SL-10 Linear Tracking

I'm trying to break into the vinyl side of music and I would really appreciate any advice I could get on a hand-me-down from my Dad.

He hasn't used the turntable for at least 15 years, so operationally I have no idea what condition it's in.

The catch is that he misplaced the AC power cord so at the moment i cannot plug it in.

The AC power jack is a lot smaller than the standard size for audio components. The interesting thing is that there are two power supply imputs: the AC power jack and a DC power jack (12 V).

Should I just walk over to Radio Shack and pick up a 12 V universal power cord?

Finally, there is also a MM/MC button on the back, does that mean I won't need to buy a phono stage?


I have one in perfect working order that has been in storage for 20 years. I put a new Ortofon black in, bu the sound is Awful.

If it has a built inpreamp, should I be plugging it into the Aux onmy pramp instead of phono?
Dmm53, it has a built in step-up for an MC cartridge but no phono stage. There is a push button switch at the rear to select between MC and MM. In either case you will need a preamp with a phono stage or an outboard phono stage.
Thanks Rhljazz. I used this years ago with pretty good results with an old CCJ preamp and ARC 100A with magnepan Typonys. Sounded great then, sound terrible now. I replaced the cratridge with an Ortofon and plugged it into the phono section of a Mac C41. It works perfectly, but the sound is there with no dynamics of any kind.
Does anyone have any recommendations for an under $200 phono preamp/outboard phono stage that would match well with a Technics SL-10 with the orginal 310-MC cartridge?

I've read good things about the Cambridge Audio 640P but was wondering if there were other phono preamps to consider with the exception of the NAD PP-2 phono preamp. I just didn't like it in my system.

Other members have told me to go for a used Lehmann Black Cube or the Vincent PHO-9 but both are over $350 and I don't know if I'm willing to make that much of a commitment.

I primarily use vinyl to play back classical music.

Thanks again