Do It Yourself Hallographs

I'm impressed by the effects of the Shakti Hallograph Sound Field Optimizers. But there's no way I can afford to purchase a pair on my budget.

I would like to attempt to build a pair. Does anybody know the 2 wood types that are used in the reflector/diffuser array?
Geoff, I fully agree.
Even Miguel divulges up front his Tripoint products are made of African Bubinga. Simple:)
I've told many a customer to go to a Lowe's or Home Depot and buy that rose trellis / lattice (that lloks like fingers) and then build yourself a supporting base. Place those in the corners of the room and viola....Shatki Hallographs. Yes all you are doing is breaking up the sound waves and yes either product does work.

(Dealer disclaimer that sells these but also gives customers the do-it-yourself option)