Schroeder versus Tri-Planar

I've got a Graham 2.2 and I love it, but I'd also love to try a truly high-quality gimbaled arm. I'm curious whether there are people who have heard the Schroeder Model 1 and the Tri-Planar Model VII. The reviews on each are superb.

However Chris Brady on the Teres site describes the Tri-Planar as a bit bright and analytical - qualities I hate in audio equipment. He also describes the Schroeder as loose in the bass - not a good thing either, though he hypothesizes that the wood arm wands might alleviate that problem.

any experiences folks? Patrick
Beautiful analogue setup you have Patrick.

As I'm currently using the Schroeder 2, I can confidently say that the Schroeder has no bass problems. I've come from using the Kuzma Stogi Reference, which is a gimbal arm and has very good bass. The Schroeder is superior as it doesn't have any bearings, and is fine-tunable to your cartridge. VTA, VTF, azimuth, anti-skate. It will allow your cartridge to extract the most detail from the grooves while remaining intensely musical.
Personally I would be careful with such " test / reviews " and I haven’t read that report but I heard from my friends, that the Teres is a nice table, but far from being outstanding.

I never owned a Triplanar but I own a Graham.
And I checked a Schroeder Arm. Both on same electronics, same cartridge and same turntable ( Basis Debut ).
Both arms were fitted with a Miyabi.
And the Schroeder is not bass shy, that is nonsense. It creates a bigger soundstage than the Graham and sounds in a way natural, but I thought at that time, the Graham has a better high frequency area and a better image.

Personally I think, all these arms above are super, the Schroeder makes sense, when you have a cartridge you really like, because the arm tube can be matched to that cartridge.
"... I heard from my friends, that the Teres is a nice table, but far from being outstanding."

Wow! Let's gratuitously insult Patrick's TT - even though he didn't ask, even though we've never heard one. Thomas, do you still beat up smaller kids on the playground?

Personally, I will be careful with your "tests/reviews". I have firsthand evidence that Thomasheisig is not a nice guy, and far from being outstanding.
Actually I don't have a Teres (though I've considere them; I have an Acoustic Solid) - see my system link below.

Thanks for all the responses guys, definitely stuff to think about here.

Patrick, just looked at your TT. Seems to be pretty well named, solid indeed! Looks like a cross between a top Clearaudio, a Redpoint/Galibier and Transformers. ;)

I've read Basis Vector/Graham/Nort AirTangen comparisons on VA. Mostly in favor of the Vector IIRC. You might ask/search there if you haven't.