Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R


As a teenager in the '70s (don't you love "That '70s Show"?) I had a nice Pioneer I received as a gift from a family friend.
1985 The AR turntable with Shure VR15 cartridge
1989 Sota Saphire, Alphason Xenon, AT OC9 cartridge
2003 Micro Seiki RX-1500, SME 3012R, Shelter 901
2006 Micro Seiki SX-8000, SME 3012R, Ortofon SPU 85th Anniversary cartridge

I also discovered a neglected Garrard 301 in my parents closet last year. I brought it home to renovate it (someday).

Forgot to include that I set-up a dedicated mono set-up last year with a Ortofon SPU mono on a Max-282 tonearm.

2003- Dual 12something...
2005- Music Hall MMF-5
2006- VPI Scout maybe...

The Dual was a great starter to vinyl, as is the MMF-5, though I have to admit, the benefits of the MMF-5 over the Dual aren't immediately noticeable. The best thing I've done for my stereo in the last year is buying a quality integrated amp (rotel ra-1062). I'm currently in the market for a VPI Scout--I really want to hear the massive jump in sound quality again that I heard when I moved to the rotel amp. I find a lot of people on this board and on others are going from the MMF-5 to the Scout and are very happy.

Now I just need to convince my girlfriend that I need a $1600 turntable!!!
2000 - Rega P25 with Dynavector 10x4, Phonomena
2003 - Denon 103 and 103R cartridges
2004 - Supratek Syrah Phono
2005 - Sota Sapphire with ET2 (arrived smashed, never heard it)
2005 - Nottingham Spacedeck
2005 - VPi HrJr
2006 - back to a Rega P25....
1978-81 Technics Belt drive and cheap Ortofon cartridge.
1981 or 82 - Rega Planar 3, Grace 727 , Grace F9e or Ruby.
1994-95 - VPI JR with RB300 and Blue Point - then a Grado Sonata
Around 1999-2000 I started playing around with an SP 10 MK II in a 175 pound McCurdy Plinth, Mounted an RB 250 SE - Incogniti wired and Mitchell counter-weight, I then had a massive plinth built for it and ran several different arms - including SME IV , SME Series III and a few others. Then settled on a 3012 MKII - Shure V15 Type III , IV and M97HE.
In 2003 I started on my first L75 Lenco project(with a friend's help)
And now My latest 2 arm Lenco is nearly complete, with an MG-1 air bearing arm And my trusty SME 3012, A Platinum and DL103 on the MG-1 and a variety of Shures for the SME 3012 MKII and its many headshells.
I think this may be my last turntable!!