Raul, your needs are different in terms of buying and selling cartridges or in your ability or willingness to tell us your first-choice arm/cartridge combos? I will tell you this. REGARDLESS of motivation, affiliation, or "needs", I find it EXTREMELY offense and counter productive when a guy basically tells someone else that they made a mistake by buying this or that item (especially in a decidedly condescending tone) and then doesn't have the balls to come through with their right answer. I know youve mentioned a Moerch arm but no model, no complementary cartridge nothing. Yet you blast Doug for his choices.
Look, I appreciate as much as anybody your spirit of questioning, not accepting dogma as fact, and an occasional kick to the anthill. But, constantly citing problems, mistakes, and misconception as you see them by others without giving detailed alternatives is deceptive, very unhelpful, and perhaps downright cowardly. Sorry, thats my take on your actions of late. Sure everyone is here trying to learn, but you're not educating anyone - unless you count educating them that you merely take issue in a nasty way without giving at least what you feel is the correct "way". It's like a math teacher telling a student they failed to find the correct solution to a problem but not telling them the correct equation - and, frankly, it's getting old!
Look, I appreciate as much as anybody your spirit of questioning, not accepting dogma as fact, and an occasional kick to the anthill. But, constantly citing problems, mistakes, and misconception as you see them by others without giving detailed alternatives is deceptive, very unhelpful, and perhaps downright cowardly. Sorry, thats my take on your actions of late. Sure everyone is here trying to learn, but you're not educating anyone - unless you count educating them that you merely take issue in a nasty way without giving at least what you feel is the correct "way". It's like a math teacher telling a student they failed to find the correct solution to a problem but not telling them the correct equation - and, frankly, it's getting old!