What is the best phono preamp you have heard?

Please list them down! Thank you
There is absolutely no way to give a definitive answer to this thread question,and everyone probably knows this!Too many variables.To many differing tastes;and really too many fine products.Basically anyone happy with their unit will,most likely,nominate it.That being said,what one can do is indicate a unit that sounded good in a given system.One that may have been so impressive(the system) that weight is given to the phonostage,even though other factors were probably at play.Sort of like going to a nice restaurant,with a fun,lively crowd.You had so much fun,that you give a bit more credit to the food.Next time you go there,by yourself,you are a bit disappointed.Just "food" for thought,though I do love the Aesthetix,and the CJ!!The Lamm ain't bad either.Oh,yeah--the Steelhead is a killer too,especially with a bit of tube rolling.I own none of these,but why should I bother to allow myself to allow "ego" to enter the picture(regarding my own unit),though I do love it.It would dull down credibility,IMO!Intimately familiar with the others mentioned.The best I've heard?Who knows?Maybe the "Zinfandel" could have had too much influence!Best regards!!

A nice topic to migrate into,on a similar note,would be:What are the best "small signal phono tubes" that you tubies have tried?This I'm well versed in;and they do make a BIG difference!!Anyone having a "big hitter" phonostage(Aesthetix,Manley etc.)that denies this,or hasen't tried it,is in for a nice surprise if they allow themselves to go that route!Best of luck!
LAMM LP2 is an amazing unit, not adjustable, but works with everything at a very high level, yes, I think, that's one of the best out there, very silent and for the adjustable transistor units, the Klyne 7 PX closes the gap between tube and transistor.
Best phono preamp and moving coil section I have had is the
moving coil card or input which Levinson put in his preamps.
Lots of adjustments and tons of gain without hum. Plus it
sounded super. I think the sensitivity of the input is
critical to the sound you get: too little and the sound is
dark and not dynamic or even might be peaky; too much and
the overload is prominent on peaks. Close to the Levinson
have been transformers which match the cartridge used; a
hum problem at times, but usually can be worked out with
grounding and careful placement of the transformer.