Love your moniker. I've thought of that MP3 player thing too. I've ripped all of my CD's into my computer but no longer use digital in my main system. I don't have a player and can't justify the expense. NOTE: DON'T ANYONE DARE SEND ME A PLAYER AS A GIFT OR ON LOAN!!! I take books to read but they give me drugs that put me to sleep. And they feed us lunch. Sleep is good but lunch is better. But the steroids....
That's now part of my daily meds. Also, each treatment consists of a mega dose of some other kind of steroid. Having been a cancer patient and used them previously I'm aware of what they do to me. My mind goes a little too fast and is not as easy to control. So, maybe I now put my foot in my mouth more often. Also, they tend to make me more aggressive which I try very hard not to do. I usually feel bad after being that way even if it was deserved so I just don't like it. I think, at least online, people can put up with the chatty part but I fear I might alienate some good people when it's the drugs and not me talking. It's so nice that I can come to this thread and not even be tempted to degrade the conversation. Other threads, uhoh, watch out. I gotta get disciplined. It don't make no sense in fussin' with a jackass.
Stayed up til 3 am listening to the new cartridge. It's smoothed out some even with that short of a time. I got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Now I don't want to do anything else. It sucks to deny the urge to sit and listen in exchange for the drudgery of acquiring dishpan hands.
Love your moniker. I've thought of that MP3 player thing too. I've ripped all of my CD's into my computer but no longer use digital in my main system. I don't have a player and can't justify the expense. NOTE: DON'T ANYONE DARE SEND ME A PLAYER AS A GIFT OR ON LOAN!!! I take books to read but they give me drugs that put me to sleep. And they feed us lunch. Sleep is good but lunch is better. But the steroids....
That's now part of my daily meds. Also, each treatment consists of a mega dose of some other kind of steroid. Having been a cancer patient and used them previously I'm aware of what they do to me. My mind goes a little too fast and is not as easy to control. So, maybe I now put my foot in my mouth more often. Also, they tend to make me more aggressive which I try very hard not to do. I usually feel bad after being that way even if it was deserved so I just don't like it. I think, at least online, people can put up with the chatty part but I fear I might alienate some good people when it's the drugs and not me talking. It's so nice that I can come to this thread and not even be tempted to degrade the conversation. Other threads, uhoh, watch out. I gotta get disciplined. It don't make no sense in fussin' with a jackass.
Stayed up til 3 am listening to the new cartridge. It's smoothed out some even with that short of a time. I got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Now I don't want to do anything else. It sucks to deny the urge to sit and listen in exchange for the drudgery of acquiring dishpan hands.