I play rock (and even some roll) alot when I'm driving. It keeps the energy and attention levels up. Classical is impossible to listen to in a car, or at least in my car. The dynamic range is too wide.
We recently acquired a (sealed!) copy of 'Trio', with Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt and Emmy Lou Harris (Warner Bros. W1-25491). Thanks to Swampwalker BTW for introducing us to it. Not rock and roll certainly, but also not classical. This is one amazing LP with three amazing singers. When Dolly sings "Wildflowers" the lyrics somehow bring Lugnut to mind:
The hills were alive with wildflowers
And I was as wild, even wilder than they.
For at least I could run, they just died in the sun
And I refused to just wither in place.
Just a wild mountain rose, needing freedom to grow
So I ran fearing not where I'd go
When a flower grows wild, it can always survive
Wildflowers don't care where they grow
And the flowers I knew in the fields where I grew
Were content to be lost in the crowd
They were common and close, I had no room for growth
I wanted so much to branch out
I uprooted myself from home ground and left
Took my dreams and I took to the road
When a flower grows wild, it can always survive
Wildflowers don't care where they grow
I grew up fast and wild and I never felt right
In a garden so different from me
I just never belonged, I just longed to be gone
So the garden, one day, set me free
Hitched a ride with the wind and since he was my friend
I just let him decide where we'd go
When a flower grows wild, it can always survive
Wildflowers don't care where they grow
Dammit. Now I'm gonna cry every time she sings that.
I will laugh though, whenever I put that record away. I own no other LPs with paperdoll cutouts of three skimpily clad ladies printed on the inner sleeve. There are even little garment cutouts to fit them. This is not a thing I ever expected to find in my music collection.