Anybody relate to this? My wife, whether walking into the kitchen in the 'morn, watching me hitting the keys, or maybe it be nighttime, just taking a gander at me staring at my laptop screen. Do you know what she, now, often asks? How's Lugnut? Blows my mind. I read her some of the newest posts. She is floored by the emotion, honesty, identification, cream rising to the top mentality, of a bunch of audiophools experiencing in real time the death of a friend on a website for audionuts. I revel in the spirit of what is happening here and may never experience anything like this again. We're apart of a wonderful thing guys. I'm proud to be amongst you audiophools. Pat, you're a power and I hope when my time comes, I take some of what I have learned from you with me. Remember to save me a listening chair. If it is not too much to ask; I prefer soft brown leather with a matching ottoman. I know it won't take you long to get well connected to the audiophools that are already up there. thanks buddy...peace my friend, warren