Memorial for Pat
Davt has offered a Lugnut memorial "scholarship" for one night's lodging at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. Nrchy inquires about other ideas.
One issue is whether our work should focus on the Malone family, whether it should be expanded beyond them, or both. Pat was concerned for his daughter's, Amanda's welfare. She and her husband, Nick, do website design and work. I've been using them for Audio Intelligent's website (which should soon be improved, thanks to them). If you could use Amanda's and Nick's services, feel free to e-mail me and I'll provide contact information. Pat also expressed concern for Amanda's and Nick's son, Pat's grandson, Scott. Starting a college fund now is an idea.
Regarding expanding the "circle," I recall the way this group generously contributed to the "Leslie Project." This project put together a home theater system for a young woman who was paralyzed when she was hit by a drunk driver. The system was presented to Leslie on August 15, 2004. Ozfly (amazingly!) purchased a new Denon home theater receiver, but the rest of the equipment was more or less spare equipment (and music and videos) that members had and generously donated.
Perhaps someone could act as the repository for such equipment (and music and videos), and when a system can be assembled, we could find some needy soul who could benefit from having music in their life. Perhaps we could coordinate with an agency that, say, specializes in assisting the paralyzed, the blind, or those with some other disability. The equipment could be donated in Pat's name -- The Patrick P. Malone Memorial Audio Award. Perhaps, too, it could structured so Barb could utilize the charitable giving tax deduction (if it's legal -- I don't do tax work).
Of course, Barb knew Pat the best, and so I encourage her weighing in on the subject to help us do something that Pat would most enjoy, and that honors his spirit. What does everyone think?
Best regards,
Davt has offered a Lugnut memorial "scholarship" for one night's lodging at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. Nrchy inquires about other ideas.
One issue is whether our work should focus on the Malone family, whether it should be expanded beyond them, or both. Pat was concerned for his daughter's, Amanda's welfare. She and her husband, Nick, do website design and work. I've been using them for Audio Intelligent's website (which should soon be improved, thanks to them). If you could use Amanda's and Nick's services, feel free to e-mail me and I'll provide contact information. Pat also expressed concern for Amanda's and Nick's son, Pat's grandson, Scott. Starting a college fund now is an idea.
Regarding expanding the "circle," I recall the way this group generously contributed to the "Leslie Project." This project put together a home theater system for a young woman who was paralyzed when she was hit by a drunk driver. The system was presented to Leslie on August 15, 2004. Ozfly (amazingly!) purchased a new Denon home theater receiver, but the rest of the equipment was more or less spare equipment (and music and videos) that members had and generously donated.
Perhaps someone could act as the repository for such equipment (and music and videos), and when a system can be assembled, we could find some needy soul who could benefit from having music in their life. Perhaps we could coordinate with an agency that, say, specializes in assisting the paralyzed, the blind, or those with some other disability. The equipment could be donated in Pat's name -- The Patrick P. Malone Memorial Audio Award. Perhaps, too, it could structured so Barb could utilize the charitable giving tax deduction (if it's legal -- I don't do tax work).
Of course, Barb knew Pat the best, and so I encourage her weighing in on the subject to help us do something that Pat would most enjoy, and that honors his spirit. What does everyone think?
Best regards,