About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
Hi Everyone - Last night I was finally able to bring myself back to this thread. As I read the words my tears began to cover the keyboard. Then Gracie jumped into my lap, licked by face with kisses and then ran off with my wet kleenex to chew it up into a million white pieces! That was when I decided that I had to wait until this morning to respond.

Every morning when I got up Pat would already be typing vigorously on the computer to all this buddies. But he would look up at me and say "Have I told you today that you are pretty?" and I would say "Have I told YOU today that I love you?" We never missed a day all last year while he was sick. Now Gracie and I have the same routine.

First of all. Thank you so much for all the kind words and well wishes for the holidays on this thread and all the beautiful cards I received in the mail and of course all of the phone calls and messages. And a very special thank you to Lou and Gina for the beautiful package containing the hard copy book of this thread (all 265 pages!!) along with several CDr copies and a beautiful afghan for me (which will be displayed in the music room) and a blanket for Amanda created and made by Gina. Thank you for honoring Pat's request - we will cherish these things forever. I cannot even begin to explain in words how difficult the grieving has been for me since Pat passed away. When a person grieves the loss of a loved one - it is your own personal experience. That's when you turn to the Lord and remember "Footprints in the Sand."

Recently some dear friends and I celebrated our wedding anniversary with a small get-together in our home. Pat always cherished companionship and good conversation. It was a very nice rememberance. These last few days have been very sad for me though because I did not want to leave 2005 and start a New Year without Pat. But I rose to the occasion and carried those 32 years of memories with me as I stepped into the year 2006. Then I listened to "Prairie Wind" and reflected.

There is still lots of frozen puppy poop in the back yard and the house is turning into a barn since I let the outdoor cat "Lugnut" back in the house with Gracie and I (Pat would not approve). But I am looking forward to going to Sacramento next weekend to visit Howard and Gina (now Pat would approve). Gracie will stay at our friend's farm where she was born and be with her extended family for lots of doggy fun.

I am really glad that Kirsten joined this thread and that you all have been so gracious to her. I know that would put a great big smile of Pat's face! We were forunate to have found her and built a special relationship with the time that we all had together. We will continue to remain close.

Happy New Year to everyone on Audiogon and thank you so much for keeping Pat's memory alive and honoring his life with music.

God Blesses us all - Barb

PS - I have a few of Pat's T-shirts left (plain colors XL). Let me know if you are interested.


It was nice of you to drop by and share your feelings with us. It is always an emotional roller coaster to go through the Holidays without having loved ones around who have recently passed away. It was rough for me too because my favorite uncle passed away on December 29th 2004, my dad passed April 2, 2005 and then Patrick on November 10th. Stepping into 2006 required being with loved ones.

Thank you for the kind words about the book and afghan. The picture of you holding it by the Christmas tree is priceless. Also, the wonderful Christmas card, pictures and special thank you. You are very welcome and it was our pleasure to do these things for you. Remember to wrap youself in the afghan to feel the warmth and love that has been sent to you by so many people

I hope you won’t mind but I thought I would share what we wrote in the card that accompanied the afghan with the Audiogon community.

Memorial Afghan for Barb
Made by Gina Bruno

The center purple block / heart (color chosen due to Pat’s Purple Haze listening room) represents the soul and spirit of Patrick “Lugnut” Malone. The surrounding hearts are all the people who shared their own thoughts, feelings, prayers, stories, caring and love for Pat. The purple and white threads on the outside boarder represent the Audiogon Community who have read this thread and learned so much about Lugnut, fellow Audiogoners, and themselves as they traveled with him during the last stage of his life’s journey here on Earth. The intertwined colors symbolize how Pat’s thoughts and feelings, communicated via postings, Emails, and telephone calls, has created a legacy and community that surrounds and supports each other, friends and, especially Barb, Amanda and the rest of the Malone family.

Patrick “Lugnut” Malone certainly touched many hearts by his grace, humor, courage, honesty, sharing and caring nature, and has made each of us infinitely richer for knowing him.”

Peace, love and blessings,
Lou & Gina Bruno

Thanks for posting- it must be very difficult to do so. We are all thinking of you quite often.
I don't want to forget about Lugnut! Those of you who knew him well could think of something. Like my turntable was not sounding right, "So I had to Lugnut it."
You know something he was obsessed about.
Hello Greg,I think of Pat often and hope Barb and family are doing well.I didnt know him as well as some,but he was the kind of guy that made you feel like an old friend in short time! Ray