Teres vs VPI, SME, Origin Live, etc.

I have Manley Steelhead Phono Pre VII and Berning ZH-270 Amp, and I ordered a pair of Merlin VSM-MX. The next step is to upgrade my Table and Arm. I am thinking about the Teres 265(320) with Shroder Model2 Arm or Origin Live Illustrious Arm, or VPI HR-X, or SME 20 with SME 5 Arm, or Origin Live table and arm. The budget is around $7000 (used or new).
For VPI HR-X, SME 20, and Origin Live, I can find some profesional reviews. For Teres, I did not find any profesional reviews, but some user reviews. And there are few A/B comparision reviews on Teres.
It will be greatly appreciated if anybody who A/B compared the above tables to give the information.
Any suggestion is welcomed.
I didn't really mean to sound like I was coming down so hard on the Final Tool turntable design. I'm sure it is a good sounding turntable.

I simply was trying to point out some reasons of why I like one design over another.

I would jump at the chance to audition one, and I'm sure I would enjoy it. It does have some things that I like in a turntable design.
There was discussion here last year to hold a Teres/Galibier/Redpoint "shootout" at RMAF. That didn't pan out AFAIK, so I'm not sure a direct comparison (same room, same sytem, etc.) has ever been made.
These tables ALL look so damn good.I just saw a picture of the TERES in FULL BLOWN ROSEWOOD.MAN O MAN --OUT THE WINDOW goes my philosophy of having to have "HANDS ON" with a product this GORGEOUS.I know NOTHING,but could NEVER resist the urge to put this design on a really short list,if I were in the market.I have,also,heard consistently great things about the TERES stuff for a couple of years now,so I have to assume that there are alot of smarter folks than me,out there!!
Anbody else beside C123666 using Scheur?Look like they are better than Clearaudio Solution or Nottoingham SpacdeckzMany opf us just cant swing these yummy looking $8K combos.I am suprised that somebody mentioned that the teres would war or crack and tyhat maybe reaonm to eclude it.It's a long string so not sure if anybody mentioned Acoustic Signature Final Tool.Me I am tired of unipivot arm wobble onmy Aries and lack of antisket which EVERY deck needs for proper sound and Lp wear not a twisted wire.But SME for main arm (though the bottom of line Scroeder looks good) will be fine with one head mono and one mC stereo but second arm I think will be 9" VPI since one can find plinths verywhere from Scoutmaster upgardes.Just get a motor and memorial mount and you v\can plonk the 9" on a Scout in bedroom (I have and spare TNT5 platter so just a9" mount on scout and full 9" on double arm deck will mean I can use a cheapo for beat LP's on main deck and then just pull off and plonk down in bedroom.zMaimum economy wihtout just egtting a MMF for bedrrom).That's plan with Final tool teres 355/320 or that nice looking Scheu deck.Any advice or cationary tales?