New Air Suspension Footers for VPI TNT

During November of last year, I ordered the air suspension footers for my VPI TNT Mk. 3.5 turntable, and I patiently awaited the arrival of the upgraded footers until they finally arrived yesterday. As has been rumored here in this forum, the design of the footers has been upgraded to a sealed design that no longer requires air to be pumped into the footers. The new design should solve the tweaky issues relating to air leakage, periodic re-inflation and periodic re-leveling adjustments. So, for all who are interested, I think you will find that VPI now has the upgraded air suspension footers in stock and available to ship.
I have a TNT V HR
& My Original Air bladders have been leak free for
3 months since installing a 2nd set of O rings in the
bleeder caps. (dual o rings per cap).
BEFORE installing the extra o rings, The caps would
bottom out on the threads. & there would be no preassure
against the o rings for sealing.

The Bleeder screws WILL leak over time at the rubber seal, So it is important to have the caps act as a secondary seal. I also applied a small amount of silicone
spray to the bleeder screws (rubber seal) & I think this
will help them seal a little better.

I used to have to refill my TNT with Air every 2 weeks,
so far they are holding and it's been 3 months! total
cost for the remedy is under 5 bucks.
a little cheaper than the VPI upgrade.
Socoaste, Could you please provide a little bit more information on how you did this.

What do you mean a 2nd set of O rings in the bleeder caps?.
I know you can replace the tire valve cores.

thanks Shane
My TNT has Metal caps (like the ones used on tires, but
made of metal not plastic).
Instead of just a single o ring inside of the cap, I use
two o rings per cap. Before with just 1 o ring, the threads would bottom out before any pressure could be put
against the o ring. Also applying a rubber conditioner to
the bleeder screw seals should keep them fron drying out &
hardening which would make them prone to leakage.

The main reason I like the stock TNT air suspension is that
it is adjustable. The height can be matched on all 4 legs
AND the amount of air used can be set as needed.