Tonearm for Nottingham Spacedeck

Just bought a Spacedeck (used ,but in very nice shape). I've long aimed for the OL Encouter arm.The Spacedeck came w.the Nott arm and it sounds very good.Is anyone out there running the Space w. an Encounter? BTW as far as the Space sounding "dark", I removed the plinth, added my Ringmat and improved the sound.How? It's more open & detailed w. a deeper somewhat wider sound stage. To my ears this change sounds very ,very good.(my wife and I attend symphonies regularly)Can the Nott dance? Well, yes,if the music does. Feedback re the Nott+Encounter will be greatly appreciated

"The arm will ultimately depend more on your cartridge than your turntable"

what he said, he nailed it!!
The Blue Note arms are very good. But you would really need to match them with a cartridge of appropriate compliance. They didn't work very well with a Shelter 501 II or Benz L2. The sound was good, just not great. But I have heard the Borghese with their MM cartridge on their entry level table and it sounded mighty fine. All a matter of synergy.

To me, this table was so highly under-rated. I enjoy it so much with Graham 2.2 and Triplanar7. I am changing the Spacearm to a Moerch DP-6, I am quite certain that I will get good result.