ZYX RS20 vs Denon DL103


I have currently using the DL103, would like to try out something, ZYX RS20 come to mind, I listen mostly Jazz & old pops LPs, would the ZYX better than teh DL103?

Any other suggestion? My budget is around US300-400.


My Schroeder Reference won't be here for a few months yet. I have ordered jacaranda which is 15gm effective mass. I heard the 103R in Thom Mackris's ebony Reference which is higher. I have used a 103 in an Expressimo Rega (12gm) and it works fine in that.
I am looking forward to hearing your comparison between the 103r and the ZYX R20. Let us know as soon as you have anything to share.
Well guys, a little bad news. I broke a stinking cartridge clip while swapping in the ZYX. Since I sold my spare tonearm, it looks like it will be another week before I can get the clips to get it repaired. And what really pisses me off is I was sober when I went to change them! That's about to change since I'm stuck with the cd player for the next week.

I know it's really no big deal, but being caught unprepared sucks. I could have sworn I had some clips around here somewhere. Oh well, time to hit the bottle!
