Tone arm cable for SME V

I'm looking to replace the existing VDH cable that came with my SME V. I require a right-angle DIN to RCA cable. I know Cardas and Audioquest make them. Are there others out there worth looking at given my cable configuration requirement?
I highly recommend the Audioquest Leopard. DBS, pure silver in teflon. The DBS really makes breakin a non issue and is is especially difficult with a phono cable. The sound... absolutely coherent with depth and a great sense of space. Also, toneally very even. The silver has great texture without any sense of brightness
Check out Harmonic Technologies single crystal cable for phono. I use a pair and I couldn't be happier. Plus they don't cost an arm and a leg.
I second the vote for Purist, but Venustas is not the top of the line. The Purist Dominus (Revision C, you'll never find a B any more)is absolutely extraordinary, and in DIN to RCA (I use a straight DIN with my SME V/SME 20.2 combo) isn't even all that horribly expensive.
To me,the problem with this type of question,is that it is REALLY hard to quantify each person's cable of choice,without some kind of actual MULTI-CABLE shoot-out,in the same system.I,myself,have gone from the Graham IC-30 to the IC-70,with obvious improved results.

My next,and logical question,would be -Do I think moving up to a cable like the Purist Audio Venustas(the Dominus would be too unwieldly,for me)would,again,be a step up?I DO believe that the Phono cable IS an extremely important link,but with the prices of the better stuff it is really hard,and outright dumb,to simply take another Audiogoner's opinion here,no matter how knowledgeable or able to express themselves in print.That being said,there are some fabulous possibilities for furthering a really fine analog rig,by staying open to the likes of better cable links,even if we like what we already paid serious bucks for!!Frustrating hobby,heh?And we used to think Golf was a toughy!!