Dear Lewm, We have obviously some kind of anti-skate enigma.I used to adjust this 'force' with an 'blanco' LP with the advantage that I was able to see the forces involved. Then I learned that I am an imbecile and thatthe right manner was to use the 'tracking ability test' from am test-record. I.e. if you hear the 'buzz' from (mostly) the R. chanel you need to increase the weight. I got 90mu with my (then) FR-64 + Ortofon MC 30S without eny 'buzz'. I must confess that I was very proud with this result. Then I come across an worning from Van den Hul himself: don't try to get 70mu or more,you will destroy your LP. So I give up the concept 'anti-skate' as well as the attempts.
Then Doug come along with his O rings. No way one can get these rings in Holland so I emailed Doug asking for,say,10
of those rings. No answer at all .So I must give up for the second time.
Then Doug come along with his O rings. No way one can get these rings in Holland so I emailed Doug asking for,say,10
of those rings. No answer at all .So I must give up for the second time.