Systen Upgrade advice

My current system componenets listed below. I am able to make some improvements. If this were your system what would you change out first for the biggest improvement? Thanks.

Audio Research SP8, Aragon 4004 MkII, Linn LP12/Ittok IV/BenzMicro Glider, DIY Hybrid OB Speakers, Velodyne HGS12, Emotiva ERC-3, Burson Conductor DAC, JK Ciunas USB Converter.
DH Labs, G Huffman, MIT 750, and PA Audio cables.
Biggest improvement is always loudspeakers. It is at least until you run out of money.
Update: I purchased a Modwright KWA 100 SE. I like the sound of it. It is an improvement and now I think I can focus on some cable improvements that are in the works (digital cable and power cables)n Thanks for the advice.