Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Sirspeedy...I have no idea who Dave Wilson might be, and can only speculate as to why he might promote this myth which is only too easy to disprove simply by listening.
Eladtford ---you are not viable to me,mainly because you seem to "want" to be a contrarian,without knowing the subject matter,and I don't think you know what you are talking about.LOW frequencies...NOT the midbass that Maggie 1.6's produce!I won't respond to you again,unless you seem plausible about a subject you are not "assuming" things about,without true first hand experience!Sorry,I don't want to be rude.Let's leave it there,if you can?

Raul,...NOW you are "intentionally" being insulting!!

None of my responses to you were meant in the way you apparently took them....It was YOU who decided to take a particular comment made by me,about my not feeling I needed two subs,and you basically went "ballistic" over that,and started with the insults about my understanding of the subject!..You accused me of lying because TWO years ago I felt differently about the subject.Well,two years ago I didn't like red wine,and NOW love it!
You turn almost any response I make into some stupid assault on my knowledge of subject matter,AND you have NOT ever heard my system....ALL my audio friends have heard it,and are set "against" a second sub!!!They happen to be as knowledgeable/experienced as you,but now I am beginning to think alot less of you,due to your "original" instigation,and ongoing negative comments.
I have always defended you when others attacked you for "what I felt was only enthusiasm",but now I am beginning to change my mind a little....This has got to be one of the dumbest conversations(not "you",the actual conversation) I've had on Audiogon,in a long time!!
Is your ego so big that you simply must insinuate yourself into something just to keep your supposed reputation in tact,because I prefer a one sub set-up in my room(which you have never even heard).I stated that there are times when one might not need two subs....Do you actually think that the ONLY way to go is two?...Do you understand the main speakers "room loading" as well as overall low frequency performance greatly affects this?....Are you afraid other regular posters will think less of you,if a subject does not go your way?...What is the BIG DEAL??........OK,I give up!...You can be right!Every situation where a sub is needed should be dealt with by adding two!!...Happy?..
Hi Raul, I just added an in room freq response from the Room EQ Wizard. This response with subs and mains, includes only the room acoustic treatment and the Marchand Bassis EQ for the sealed woofers. No other EQ. I will take some new pictures of my room this weekend (hopefully) and update the room pictures at that time.

Raul, do you have a response of your room that I can see?

Dear Sirspeedy: +++++ " NOW you are "intentionally" being insulting!! " +++++

I'm sorry that you thing that because was not my intention, Mark if you tell me ( on any subject ) that I have ignorance about I don't take it like an insult because maybe in that " virtual " subject I'm ignorant ( I don't have know-how about. How could you say non know-how? for me is ignorance and for you? ): no big deal. +++++ " .....I think you are taking this a bit too seriously. " +++++: your post.

Sirspeedy, the whole subwoofer subject IMHO has nothing to do about: +++++ " AND you have NOT ever heard my system....ALL my audio friends have heard it,and are set "against" a second sub!!! " +++++, it is not what your friends think, you or me: it is a stand alone subject.

+++++ " actually think that the ONLY way to go is two?..." +++++

no, not only but the best way and some times three or four ( and here yes depending on room ).

+++++ " as well as overall low frequency performance greatly affects this?...." +++++, you still are talking about only one subwoofer " goal " you are not taking the whole " view ", why? I can't understand it because like I alredy told you you are a wise and mature person.

+++++ " ...Are you afraid other regular posters will think less of you,if a subject does not go your way?..." +++++

cf course not, like you already told and I agree " we are learning ".

Mark, this is not a friendly fight to see which one win, the main point here is that no one loose and every body win some way or other.

I'm follow answering your posts because you follow posting it but I already told you:
+++++ " you are the one that are loosing the quality improvement of the two subwoofer subject and it is ok for me. " +++++, and is true if you agree or loose that opportunity or what ever that facts can/could not affect me.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Sirspeedy and Rauliruegas,

On this subject, I would like to offer my opinion.

First of all, this thread has become a grenade tossing exercise, and from two people whose words in these rooms I greatly respect. Pardon me in advance if I don't have a great knowledge of intermodulation distortion and harmonic distortion, however, I do have a good set of ears being a life-long non-professional musician and a professional editor who mixes his own audio for air on a major TV network. I am your common "joe". And I am like 80 percent of us here: what I don't know in engineering and theory I make up for in listening with my head and my heart.

I have a great 2 channel system....Krell amp, Adcom GFP 750 pre-amp flowing into a pair of Dunlavy SC3's. They are great speakers: very revealing, time and phase coherant, and have a very small sweet spot. They have plenty of slam, but are rated at only around 40HZ at the low end (the top? forget about it, just glorious). Anyway, I wanted to round out the low end an extra 10 or 15 hertz. So, I bought a Von Schweikert VS-1 subwoofer, and stuck it just left of center. Now I hear this wonderful bass presence, increased slam, and an overall heft that is not too overbearing, but just enough to make me smile. I set the crossover on my sub at around 40K to let my Dunlavy's handle everything that they do best and let my sub do the rest. One sub, an extra 15 hz in the low end, and I am happy as a clam.

Sirspeedy, your explanations and experiences are very well written and understandable. Thanks for your info.
Raul, your knowledge of this hobby is at a level way above me, but I sure respect and appreciate it, always have, always will.

Just a "common Joe" here, throwing in my 2 cents.

Raise the faders on the pre-amp, it's another sunny day inside!! Cheers!