Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Raul,my feelings on the subject are from "real world" experience,as stated,as well as careful listening(by myself, and other hobbyists I respect,who have actually heard ALL of "my" systems over the years)and believe it or not, somewhat of an understanding of the "system/room/design goal of the specific hobbyist" who has the option to employ "STUFF" as he/she feels is most effective to them!...Without the arrogance of someone telling them they don't understand the subject!

And PLEASE get off the "IM distortion thing"!!!I don't hear "it" and either would you!!!....

The thing "you" simply cannot understand is not everybody thinks in an actual textbook fashion,once the "listening experience" speaks to us.Some folks should,rightly,make configuration choices based on what they hear,in their room!...Period!!....Also,I have no reason to believe your system sounds anything less than superb,as I respect your word.
BTW,yes my REL Stentor is ported,but it comes in "below" my main speaker,and the "pitch definition"(something I am beginning to doubt you have really ever experienced)at this "low freq" is far less obtrusive on the main speaker,as it would be if one was to cross over as high as you adhere to.To my way of thinking,and with my speaker,a big mistake to cross over higher up!Sorry,it's my call on the subject,and I will bet I am at the very least as crirical as you....

BTW,don't take any of my input as my being upset,or mad,as I am not!!..I am "actually" waiting for my wife to come home,so we can go to dinner.Hence, the time to keyboard for awhile,hopefully in good spirits.I got carried away with this kind of stuff two years ago,with another poster,and have learned my lesson about pushing it too far!

Also, if I were NOT very attentive to "all things audio" my friends are SO rediculously critical that they would mention any distortion/aberrations in a New York Minute!

Take a look at the BIG Nola Grand Reference(I have extensively heard this HUGE four tower design,as a client owns one).The main towers have "sealed" midbass drivers extending down to 40 hz.The secondary two sub towers,are ported,and designed to come in below 40 hz!They,the ported sub towers, are the achilles heel of the design as the "pitch definition" of the ported towers cannot match the sealed mid bass drivers,BUT it is SO much FUN to listen to the speakers,that one just does not get bent out of shape over this.Of course you would -:)That was a joke,btw!
Btw,Raul....I don't know why you are getting so excited about all of this.I am not stating(like you do to me...but I love you anyway -:)that you don't know what you are talking about!...I am simply giving you a counter arguement,based on my experiences,within my own systems,and others I am intimately familiar with.

I DO get impression that "some" have not necessarily heard what really superb pitch definition sounds like,at very low frequencies.It is very much like finding the EXACT sweet spot on a very good "arm/cartridge" set-up.Sometimes we fish around for a long time before hitting the magic.Once you hear/experience it,you know it!

You simply have to be able to accept alternative positions,without arguing that the person doesn't know what they are talking about.
Personally,I feel that "you" don't seem to grasp that I am NOT stating two subs are not most effective.I am stating,based on actually owning three or four of the system types(including my current one,which I consider the most realistic and involving one I've had so far...but I am NOT saying it is the best of "anything",only it serves my tastes)covered in this discusson that "conditions" DO exist where the "TWO SUB" option is not "mandatory",as you imply!AND,it does NOT mean you automatically have IM distortion issues(or you don't understand the "sub" issue) if you go this route!
What don't YOU understand about "that"!! -:) always,and I am wearing my football helmet as I await your response!....also a joke.
Dear Bob: +++++ " My main speakers are flat to 22Hz and only 5db +.- at 18Hz .... " +++++

these are the ADS manufacturer specs.

Bob, I whish I can to do it right now but I don't have the right tools to do it in the right way and for the other way " Sirspeedy don't let me time to do it, I have to answer him again and again ", no: seriously I'm right now with an in deep tests of our two tonearm prototypes and this stage on the tonearm design is very high time consuming, it is not only to compare each protoype against other tonearms but between those prototypes. This kind of work is not only between all those tonearms but with several differents cartridges!!!!!

At the first time that I can I will try to do what you are asking, sorry not make it before.

regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Mark: +++++ " Without the arrogance of someone telling them they don't understand the subject! " +++++

arrogance is a word that I " don't know ", sorry if what I post/posted seems like " arrogance ".

+++++ " And PLEASE get off the "IM distortion thing"!!!I don't hear "it" and either would you!!!...." +++++

I'm sorry but that is the main subject on the thread. I know that you don't like it but.....for you can hear it you must to compare: with and with lower one!!!

+++++ " The thing "you" simply cannot understand is not everybody thinks in an actual textbook fashion " +++++

you know what, there is almost nothing of textbook fashion about the subject because almost no one and no where take in count when speak about subwoofer advantages.

I discovery ( for my self and I'm not saying that I discovery for all and I'm not saying that was the first one or that it is the only " true ". ) for my self ( testing one and again ) and not looking for, that the subs make a lot difference but for other things than the low/deep sound reproduction: suddenly I learn about!!!! and the experience is so " unique " that I put this thread to share about with all of us.

If you go to any single manufacturer subwoofer website you can't find almost nothing on the subject, every body talks about bass reproduction ( the very old textbook fashion that you support. ) but Vandersteen people that not only build subwoofers but " main speakers " : they understand perfectly the whole thread subject.

I know that it is not easy ( to any one including me ) to accept the " news " , almost all of us are a little " close " to a new ideas: Hey the earth is not flat but sphere/globe !!!!! blasphemy!! blasphemy! burn him!!!!, remember?. Well is only an example with out trying to compare at that importance level.

+++++ " AND,it does NOT mean you automatically have IM distortion issues " +++++

well, till today that kind of speaker distortions always be there, one of the best ways to improve the quality speaker performance is lowering those distortions!!! and that is what I'm saying nothing more.

Rgeards and enjoy the music.
Raul, you said, "Bob, I whish I can to do it right now but I don't have the right tools to do it in the right way and for the other way"

Raul, you don't have any equipment to do this? Amazing! And you want to be my audio electronics engineer:)?
With apologies to Seinfeld...and you want to be my latex salesman?

And you said "no: seriously I'm right now with an in deep tests of our two tonearm prototypes and this stage on the tonearm design is very high time consuming, it is not only to compare each protoype against other tonearms but between those prototypes. This kind of work is not only between all those tonearms but with several differents cartridges!!!!!

And I am hoping you are not testing the tonearm on a system that you have no clue as to what it is doing. Because if you say the low bass is great with the new arm, how would you (and me) know? When you are not even reproducing low bass?

Also, I am not sure how you can say all of this about subwoofers when you don't even have any basic measurements.

Well, I do look forward to the day you can do this.
