I have not responded to this thread because I can't help with the Whest part of your question. I can tell you that I have had some highly regarded pre/phonos in my system in the last six months (Tom Evans Groove +, Supratek Grange, Rhea, X-ONO, TAG ...etc)and the phono stage in the Steelhead was my favorite by at least a slight margin against any other I have heard. I should say several of these phono stages were good enough to have been welcome in my system. The line stage is another story however! With four 5687 Tung Sol black plate tubes installed, the Steelhead's line stage was and is the most full bodied, detailed AND musical linestage I have had in my system by a large margin. I am amazed by the improvement in digital sound the Steelhead's line stage delivers. Before the Steelhead entered my system, CD's were used to warm the system for vinyl play. Now CD's, while not vinyl of course, are none the less just as enjoyable to me. The phono in the Steelhead has received its fair share of praise but the line stage section deserves as much or more IMHO. So if you consider that the Steelhead is a great full function preamp ( hey, how about a remote volume control Ms. Manley?), the list price of $7300 seems like one of the better buys in this crazy sport. And remember, if you shop around, you can buy a new unit for much less than retail.