Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!
Nrchy: For many years the Sota/SME V and Sota/ ET, combinations were a favorites ones.

The Cosmos/SME V/Sumiko Celebration is an analog rig very hard to beat, recomended.

Regards and enjoy the music.
If I were to go with the SME V how much would I be loosing to the TriPlaner? For purely cost issues I'm connsidering the less expensive SME V over the TriPlaner. I would rather go with the later, but it just might not be possible! Any help?
Dear Nrchy: +++++ " how much would I be loosing to the TriPlaner? " +++++

Your question could be too: " how much would I loosing to the SME V ? "

The Triplanar is a very good tonearm but the SME V is an excellent tonearm.

From today tonearms I don't know any tonearm that really " hands down " the V ( all these is relative because many things depend on the other analog items: cartridge, TT, etc... ). It's design take in count almost any parameter for the " perfect tonearm ".

The SME V ( btw, all SME products ) is not only a " tonearm " it is really a high tech instrument named: tonearm, the building level quality is unmatched in the industry and its performance is first rate by any audio standards.

Now, if you mated with the Sumiko Celebration you could have a " awesome " combo for the music repoduction.

For do the Celebration " voicing " the designer cartridge did use the SME V. So, that combination is really a great one and will work beautiful on the Cosmos. No, the ZYX is not a " contender " against that combination.

Regards and enjoy the music.