Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!
If I were to go with the SME V how much would I be loosing to the TriPlaner? For purely cost issues I'm connsidering the less expensive SME V over the TriPlaner. I would rather go with the later, but it just might not be possible! Any help?
Dear Nrchy: +++++ " how much would I be loosing to the TriPlaner? " +++++

Your question could be too: " how much would I loosing to the SME V ? "

The Triplanar is a very good tonearm but the SME V is an excellent tonearm.

From today tonearms I don't know any tonearm that really " hands down " the V ( all these is relative because many things depend on the other analog items: cartridge, TT, etc... ). It's design take in count almost any parameter for the " perfect tonearm ".

The SME V ( btw, all SME products ) is not only a " tonearm " it is really a high tech instrument named: tonearm, the building level quality is unmatched in the industry and its performance is first rate by any audio standards.

Now, if you mated with the Sumiko Celebration you could have a " awesome " combo for the music repoduction.

For do the Celebration " voicing " the designer cartridge did use the SME V. So, that combination is really a great one and will work beautiful on the Cosmos. No, the ZYX is not a " contender " against that combination.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Having owned ,both,the Triplanar and SME-V,on a COSMOS,I would have to say that I preferred the Triplanar!At the time,I had the Koetsu ONYX PLATINUM,on the SME.I then switched to the Triplanar,with a Tranny.Although I had differing cartridges,I still would have chosen the Triplanar.My pal,who now has the Air Tangent,had an SME-V,as well.He felt it was too bass heavy,but,that has always been the "Rap" on the model-V.He was using the VPI TNT,at the time.Who knows if it is really true.I don't.When I sold the SME,I remember it "broke down" into what seemed like puzzle pieces.I know this is just my idiocynchrosy,but the Triplanar was "cooler",from an ergonomic(VTA on the fly)and "machined" aspect.This appealed to my tastes.Just my opinion.

It really comes down to tastes,and cartridge mating,though if I were to ever replace my 2.2,and not move to a Shroeder,or Phantom (what I would really want would be a Kuzma Airline),my choice would definitely be towards the Triplanar!!It really was a great arm!!I do remember,when setting up the Triplanar,that I was "Blown Away" with the incredible lack of bearing friction,when I was "fotzing around" with it.Obviously,all quality arms have a very low friction,here,but,the Triplanar WAS special!!Too bad my dealer screwed me ROYALLY when selling me a cartridge/arm combo,along with a table that,at the time,couldn't accommodate the proper VTA settings.This after I specifically asked to have ALL parameters carefully "scoped" out,before ordering.I was not able to get my deposit back,and thank God for the late Herb Papier!!

PS-the dealer currently pushes anything "VIDEO"!Fired all analog salesmen,too!!Now I know why I had to wean myself(for the better),on anything analog.