Any audio gifts for Christmas?

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, didja receive anything audio-related as a gift this year? I got two pairs of Maple Audio Works "Ambiance" interconnects. Hooked up my phono stage and CDP this morning using the Ambiance cables, now the break-in period begins.
In late November, I bought myself a pair of used Vandersteen 2Wq subs as early Xmas gifts -- one from my local Vandy dealer, and the other from a very nice seller on A-gon. HUGE improvement to the system, and a great combination with the Vandy 3A Sig's. Richard Vandersteen told me that the 3A Sig's with a pair of 2Wq's gets you about 75-80% of the performance of the Model 5, at less than half the cost. (Boy, do I have some subterranean bass on good organ recordings! I've heard an expression that the lowest octave on the organ is actually the voice of God speaking, and I'm nearly prepared to believe it.)

I figured that the subs would be the only A/V gear I "received" for Christmas, but my wife surprised me with a "Santa Claus" gift -- a Panasonic PV-HS2000 hard disk video recorder with Replay TV. She got a great buy on it thru MSRP was $600, but with the Ubid price, and the $100 rebate offered on this unit, she paid just over $200. Should be fun to experiment with it, even though she is the inveterate late-night TV watcher and will probably get most of the use from the unit.

We also gave each other some DVD's, including the "Platinum Collection" version of "Snow White & The Seven Dwarves". The Disney organization has done an absolutely stunning job of color restoration on this disk, and the new 5.1 Dolby soundtrack is a wonderful addition. If you have not seen this new version of "Snow White", and are interested in film animation, you MUST add this DVD to your collection. If the great transfer job wasn't enough, the disk also has over 3 hours of material on the creation of "Snow White", including a lengthy narration by Walt Disney himself.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas, and has a very happy New Year.

Scott C-
I think that slingshot has us all beat by a longshot !!! Congratulatons !!! Let's hope that she's a "quiet one" and a sound sleeper. You can worry about what Convent you enroll her in later : ) Sean
My wife was kind enough to get me a Graham IC-70 phono cable (still being made as we speak) to replace my IC-30. And a good bit of software too (including those albums I got from you, Sdcampbell). And I got her a boombox (hope no audiophile saw me getting it, I could be drummed out of the club!), because she likes her tunes in whatever room she's in at the time. Congrats, Slingshot, that is the best gift you could ever get!
After purchasing a new Plinius SA250MKIV for my birthday in September, it only seemed fitting to upgrade my Audio Research Reference One to a Reference Two MKII for the holiday season. Helllloo midrange! Also got new dive gear: BC, regulator, computer and bio-fins. Hey, any audiophile gear for diving? Happy 2002 everyone.
I am having a Supratek Syrah tube preamp built for me by Mick Maloney, but I will not recieve it until after New Year's. I can't wait to get it, this thing is beautiful! If you have never seen one go to on the web to check it out.