ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.
Dear ZYX club friends: +++++ " The ZYX Universe had no deep low bass information at all. " +++++

The 76 doublebass opinion only confirm what for many months I already posted about the ZYX cartridges: faulty at the bass, several times and not only my opinion but severals others opinions like the 76db here. Please there are no excuses for that.

I wonder why you all ZYX club members are satisfied: I'm sure you have good ears and experience in live unamplified music.
Now that I do a research about your audio systems I can see that any of you have a full range system, so any of you can't hear how great is the bass problems in the ZYX cartridges, so don't try to defend what you can't hear and never can hear with your today system: HOW CAN YOU DEFEND SOMETHING THAT YOU DON't KNOW THAT EVEN EXIST ? YOU CAN'T HEAR IT !!!!!!! and you never did till you have a full range system, that's all.
Maybe in the next ZYX cartridges generation they can solve that bass problems.
I really desire that they do it because if they do I'm sure that my next cartridge in my system will be a ZYX one, but not before. All of us deserve more that what ZYX is given today for its price.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Lugnut: +++++ " Further, I was more irritated with what I viewed as an unwarranted attack on Frank Schroder " +++++

I never attack to Frank, I respect him like a person and like a great tonearm designer. What I already post about is something that every body understand and almost agree but you. I respect your opinion too.

Btw, I agree with Gmorris last post.

Every time that I disagree with you or with any of your members club always post that I'm attaking any one of you: sorry but you don't have any idea what " attack " means.

Stay calm and be happy: all of you.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi guys,
I just got back from Colorado, so please excuse the late response to retroinferno's post.
I don't recall ever stating that the ZYX Universe is "one of the two best cartridges in the world". If I ever did, there shurely must have been too much Tequila in that last Margharita. No, seriously - I wouldn't make such a statement, even I did listen to every high quality cartridge that was ever made(not many left though... ;-). Personal preferences are only one of so many variables when it comes to determining which cart is "best" for you. The Universe is a top quality cartridge, but in the room Chris Brady had the misfortune of setting up his Teres 360 NO cartridge would have sounded good. I couldn't stay in that room for more than a few minutes without getting a headache. Chris felt the same way and will return with a vengeance next year.
Comparing the Brinkmann table with the Teres 360 played via two totally different systems in different rooms and then drawing conclusions about the character of the cartridges used, well, those must be truly golden ears....or maybe they are made from Phyrite after all ;-)

Dear Raul, just for your consolation, I do listen to many cartridges mounted in other arms but my own. In fact, I own more arms than you do and have likely owned more carts too.
Neither of us should be bragging about it though and neither of us is any more right recommending a particular cartridge, arm or table than another "less well endowed list member" since it is all about INDIVIDUALS conveying the fun that playing with these grown man's toys and hopefully the enjoyment of the music that goes along with it can provide.
To sum it up, meeting old and new friends at the RMAF was what made the trip worth it, not the listening to systems that, while some might be truly great, can never be transported 1:1 into your own listening environment.


Frank Schröder

P.S.: Patrick, I just wish Albert had left me a little more time to talk with you....
Dear Frank: I only do a reference on you because the wrong statement: " one of the two best cartridges in the world".

Btw, I'm not bragging any thing, I'm only trying to explain that for any one can do a serious cartridge comparison it has to match each cartridge with the best tonearm for each one, that's all.

+++++ " In fact, I own more arms than you do and have likely owned more carts too. " +++++

Great to know this. I hope that in a near future you can share with us your wide cartridge/tonearm experiences.

Regards and enjoy the music.