ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.
Raul, there was no apology for misquoting Herr Schroeder, is that still forth coming?

It would be nice to have some arm/cartridge experiences shared from someone who knows what they are talking about as opposed to...
You continue to make arguments about things you do not know or have experience with and take shots at undeserving people.
There is no UNIverse Club as you patronizingly refer to a number of Audiogon members that think highly of the ZYX product line and the UNIverse in particular.
There has not been a group of "several others" as you say that have heard a UNIverse and found it to be lacking in bass or otherwise. There have been a couple of comments from people like 76doublebass that are illogical or un-supported that you refer to as "several others'.
76doublebass’ post did not confirm anything for you about the UNIverse and for you to take his post as substantiation of your opinion about the UNIverse cartridge just serves to prove that you are just out to nail ZYX at all cost, do not have a logical thought process, or both.
I know you won’t respond to this, but please tell us the names of all of the Audiogon members that have posted that the UNIverse is lacking in bass and in which threads. I don’t think you can come up with a list of “several” members that have found the UNIverse lacking that have direct experiences with a UNIverse.
Have you still not head a UNIverse in your own system ?
You say that people don't have full range systems that support the UNIverse so they don't know what they are missing in bass ? Who is on your list of UNIverse supporters that have non-full-range systems? Are you saying the I, Frank Schroder, Chris Brady, Vetterone, Stanfi, and Doug Deacon don't have full range systems.
It is not fair to the manufacturer of the ZYX cartridges to bash a product that you do not have sufficient knowledge about. It is their passion and livelihood that you are tearing at without basis. That is patently unfair and with out class on your part.
There are newer and less experienced audiophiles that do not realize that you are an articulate (well, not really) incompetent. It would be easy for them to miss that you often speak with matters you don’t understand while acting as if you do and miss out on considering the ZYX products and that would be a shame.
I really don’t know what got your panties in a twist against ZYX, but it is quite obvious that you go out of your way to trash their group of products.
Try getting off your pedestal for a moment and listen a bit to some of the other people’s points of view and experiences with out discarding them out of hand and you might actually learn something.
Those of us who have heard a UNIverse in a full range system know that it is an outstanding cartridge and want for others to be able to enjoy their systems and music a bit more. I know this group of people well and that is where the enthusiasm for their UNIverse emanates from.
They get a bit of joy from helping others and are a bit excited as a result of finding a special piece of equipment that is quite extraordinary.
Dear Nrchy: I don't know if I understand your post: are you tell me that I have to apology to Frank?

If this is what you told me let me know you that I don't have to send an apology to Frank because I don't insult or attack him.

+++++ " shared from someone who knows what they are talking about as opposed to... " +++++

If you are implying what I figure I can tell you that you don't know what are you talking about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Cello: +++++ " . There have been a couple of comments from people like 76doublebass that are illogical or un-supported " +++++

I don't think that a person with the live music experience like 76doublebass is " illogical " like you say. Your arguments all over your post are " illogical ".

+++++ " Are you saying the I, Frank Schroder, Chris Brady, Vetterone, Stanfi, and Doug Deacon don't have full range systems. " +++++

First, Frank is not a member of your club ( He already speaks about ) and Doug, Lugnut and your system are far aways from " full range ". +++++ " You continue to make arguments about things you do not know or have experience " +++++ Wrong, who has no expirience is you: you can't hear the bass problems through your system due for bass deficiencies on your system.

+++++ " I know you won’t respond to this, but please tell us the names of all of the Audiogon members that have posted that the UNIverse is lacking in bass and in which threads. " +++++

I think that you can remember that Audiogoner that put on sale his Colibri for do a change to the ZYX. I e-mail to him asking for his reason to do that and through the time he back off and retain his Colibri and sold the ZYX: this man has a full range audio system. I can't remember in what thread.
If I can remember Thomasheisig that " just ordered chips and coke .... " give a ZYX opinion about or Johnnantais, I'm not sure.

+++++ " I really don’t know what got your panties in a twist against ZYX, " +++++

I'm not against the ZYX manufacturer ( as a fact I think that I'm helping to them for incite for they make research about to do a better cartridges in a near future. ). I'm against people like you that do false statements like : " the Universe is the best on the world ". This statement is unsupported by any standards.

Larry stay calm, put on sale your ZYX and buy a Dynavector XV-1, or a Colibri, or an Allaerts, or a Transfiguration and you will be happy about. If you do this you never return to today ZYX cartridges.

Regards and enjoy the music.