ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.
I continue to smile in spite of my reactions to Raul.
I think that auditioning a cartridge in your own system is absolutely the only way to make a decision on what to buy. Everything is so system dependant down to the tonearm cable, loading and phono stage or step ups. All can make a monumental differences.
Since I last posted, a friend informed me that I had in fact heard a Titan in another friends system and I have to say that his system sounded glorious. I hope that at some point I am able to get a UNIverse in his system so that I can compare the Titan and the UNIverse.
I think you are kind to give Raul the benefit of the doubt, but language is not at the root of his problems. He flat out misquotes other people’s postings and or exaggerates to win an argument or prove a point. I just can't stomach that behavior.
I am not saying that Raul does not have valid points at times, but a good percentage of the time he is way off base and argues as vehemently when he does not know what is talking about as when he does. The newbie read his bravado and think Raul knows what he is talking about in all cases and that is my major problem along with bashing products that do not deserve the bad rap.
I do respect opinions that are well thought out or from people that have sense of what the frontier of their knowledge is. Raul speaks in absolutes that he can't possibly know and it is wearisome.
Do spend more quality time with Raul and see if you still feel the urge to rise to his defense.
Raul, I must make a confession. I have spoken extensively with both Cello and Vetterone, on the phone and in person. Both of them are considerably more intelligent than I, so neither of them need me to manage their arguements, but I still do laundry better than them.

Regards, and enjoy the music...
Please do not mix the whites and colors on me again and no starch in the collars this time.
Sorry Cello my notes said starch the boxers and no starch in the shirts... my bad.