Avid Acutus

Has anyone listened to this table and compared it with Basis Mk. V, SME 30, and other top tables?
Richard your analog advisor gave you very good advice. Your Volvere/Triplanar/Helicon would make music I could listen to every evening nigh until morning. You could not go wrong by upgrading to the Titan (not really warmer, (actually cleaner supra-red) but you might prefer some comparable alternatives if you have the opportunity to audition them. And that is always a big "if" with analog front ends. So many variables. So few afficionados. Especially in retail. If you are able try to listen to a Benz Micro cartridge in your rig, say a Ref 3 or Ruby 3. The Helicon is the best value by far but a Benz just might light your wick and save you the expense of upLyratization (all cartridges have liberal trade-in deals). The Revised Patriot Act requires that I inform you that I have purchased Benz-Micro products prior to the Bushformation. But never again; really I promise.

Phew!! What is the point you are trying to make?

Fact: The Oracle/Phantom/Helikon combo is very musical with a rich tonal balance, in my system. I tend to dismiss sweeping generalizations. My Helikon with 100 ohm loading is far from "cool" sounding in the clutches of the Phantom.

Have you auditioned this combination of components?
Gmorris, the point is that you may have been upsold on an Oracle mod (granite) that has more to do with the new owner's profit than the new buyer's auditory acuity. With no disrespect I await breathlessly for the Koetsu cognescenti to hyperpolize how the nuance of Onyx, Jade or Coral affords their victims any increasing sonic perfection. Have you considered other exotic stones for your Oracle's base? Is there something acoustically special about Granite besides its cost and weight? Is there a reason why current "cost no object" State of the Art manufacturers of any componenents do not use stone?

For the record I have auditioned your combination of components except the granite base of your "Oracle".
And again, that you have to load your Helicon to 100 ohms makes the point you that seemingly missed before.
My PH2 has remained unchanged with a 100 ohm resistor load proir to buying the Oracle. Next point?
The granite base is not a "mod", it was offered as an option by Oracle. I purchased the Oracle while Jacques Riendeau was still the principal at the company.

FACT: The granite base offers improved extension and solidity in the bass response without any negative impact on the treble response.