Minimum Cartridge output for CAT Ultimate Preamp

I have a CAT Ultimate Mk II preamp and am shopping for an Analog front end. i've heard the CAT doesn't like low output MC cartridges. I have the CAT JL2 amp and Dunalvy 4a speakers. I listen to all types of music but mostly Rock, Jazz and Blues.

For those that run analog rigs with this preamp, what would be your recommended minimum cartridge output voltage? Is something like 0.5mv too low?
I am not sure if the CAT Ultimate has the same output on the phono stage as the CAT SL1 MKII (an older model with 47 db on it's phono stage). I find that 1.0mv to 2.0 mv cart. would give you best results. My Benz with 0.8mv barely gave me the volume I wanted, and I listen to jazz.
I used to own the CAT SL-1 Mk. III with the built-in phono stage, and I ran the 0.65mV van den Hul Frog with no problem.
I have an Ultimate II and have no problems using low output (0.2 - 0.3mv) cartridges. But....I use an Audio Note step up in front of the CAT.

You need to consider your complete system gain structure.

I took a look at the following review of an SL1 Ultimate:

It claims:

Phono gain: 47 dB (less than I'd expect)
Line Stage Gain:26 dB (this is HUGE)
Total Gain: 73 dB

I'd expect to see more gain in the phono section and less in the line section. The good news is that the combined gain is over 70 dB.

If the above stated gain is correct, you'll be fine with a cartridge in the .2 to .3 mv range.

Because of how the gain is distributed (more in the line stage and less in the phono), you'll notice that you're turning down your volume control when listening to line level sources like CD.

I wouldn't stress out over this, but mention it anecdotally.

When I popped the lid on a later CAT, I noticed that the attenuator is a series type, rather than a ladder type so the lower your volume setting, the more resistors and solder joints your signal is passing through.

Thom @ Galibier