Who has heard & compared the good tables?

Many Audiogoners will espouse their own rig - and that's understandable. But who actually has heard well setup and equipped tables like the higher-end Teres, Basis, Linn, Well Tempered and others - and compared them? Without bias?

Please tell us what table really stands out; your words could mean a lot to many of us!

I'll second a used, older Well Tempered as a true high end bargain for the price (<$1000). I only wish that I knew this before I began my turntable quest. Great design, flexibility, sound, appearance, manufacturing et al. Well worth looking at for those trying to get to the true high end on a budget.


I don't have obligations on Tuesday nights for the next few months. Perhaps we can schedule time for me to bring my Teres 255 down early, verify the set up, and give the crowd a show on your home turf. It's been a while since I've heard the Megalines anways. It's not the top-o-the-line Teres, but it may help provide perspective for bang-for-the-buck:

Teres 255
Origin Live Silver (w/ TWL HiFi Mod)
Shelter 501 mk II

Nicholas Renter
Mr Renter, the 255 is the acrylic platter with the lead weights, right?

I was able to hear the comparison between the acrylic and wood platter at the RMAF. Chris Brady was swapping them out whenever people wanted to hear the comparison. Based on what I heard, the wood platter is well worth the cost.

I'll have to fly down for that one AP!
Sounds good to me Nick. And Nate, come on down ! We still have plenty of Tex-Mex food left.

Right this minute we have no sound. New cables on the way from Purist Audio and hope in the next week or so to have her back up and running. I would be very happy for you to come, turntable or not, but we need the system running to determine anything.

What cartridge is in the Teres? If you want to really go crazy, we could put my Koetsu Rosewood Platinum in your table and my new-unmounted Koetsu Jade Platinum in my rig.

I know my Rosewood so well I could tell immediately what the Teres is doing. Can't say the same about the new Jade as it arrived yesterday and not even out of the box.
Yeah, I've got the lead-loaded acrylic platter (there is a picture of it posted on Audiogon - check out my system). I don't doubt the wood platter is better, but it was out of my price range when I upgraded my analog front end, as I upgraded the table, arm, cart and phono stage all at once.

I'm up for trying the Koetsu on the Teres - It would be interesting to hear it compared to the Shelter.

Albert, I'll check in with you in a couple of weeks.