Best cartridge under $800 for Graham 2.2

I have tried a Grado master and Orto Kont B. What are some other choices???? I have an Acoustic Signiture final tool. Mike
Benz Micro Glider, Shelter 501,Clearaudio Virtuoso, Dynavector 17D2 are four cartridges that are in your range. Bob Graham's 2.2 is a beauty and would more than carry these well. Are you running a phono amp? Nice TT as well. Happy spinning!
I was using a Lyra Helikon w/ my 2.2 and switched to a Denon DL-103R to "sample" it... I ended up selling my Helikon.

Although the 103R doesn't have the absolute resolution and extention of the Helikon, I found it to have a better overall musicality; and ultimately prefered it in my system (SOTA Cosmos III/2.2/103R/Sutherland PhD @ 62dB/100 Ohm)

As always, YMMV.


Please be informed that Dedicatedaudio is a retailer for Shelter and the recommendation should be understood with that caveat. Thank you and good luck!!