Graham Phantom

Any owners who own it ?
How is it ? Compared to others ?
I note that you were a participant in our prior thread on the Graham Phantom back in February and March this year, so I won't repeat what was said then. The only thing I could add at this time is that my opinion has not changed after another eight months of living with it. Best Regards.
Sorry, I don't have any input on the Phantom, unfortunately.
I am curious as to your expereiences with the Graham 2.2 and the Wheaton Tri-Planar VII, as these are arms that I've been considering. I admit to leaning towards the Tri-Planar myself. What are your impressions?

I've had Phantom X since March '05 and it is the best arm I've owned bar none.
I have a Graham 2.2 (which I love), have heard the Phantom but not in my system) and have spent a weekend with the Tri-Planar (Wheaton) 7 in my system. I have a two armed set up so the comparisons were made by going back and forth between arms and using the same cartridges.
I don't think I can draw any clear conclusions on the Phantom since I have not heard it in my system. All of the posts from Graham 2.2 owners that have moved up to the Phantom are overwhelmingly positive in favor of the Phantom.
I love my 2.2, but the Tri-Planar was clearly superior to the sound I get from the Graham 2.2 I have spent time playing with the damping fluid (and got very positive results), but in the end the Tri-Planar was far superior.