Graham Phantom

Any owners who own it ?
How is it ? Compared to others ?
Sorry, I don't have any input on the Phantom, unfortunately.
I am curious as to your expereiences with the Graham 2.2 and the Wheaton Tri-Planar VII, as these are arms that I've been considering. I admit to leaning towards the Tri-Planar myself. What are your impressions?

I've had Phantom X since March '05 and it is the best arm I've owned bar none.
I have a Graham 2.2 (which I love), have heard the Phantom but not in my system) and have spent a weekend with the Tri-Planar (Wheaton) 7 in my system. I have a two armed set up so the comparisons were made by going back and forth between arms and using the same cartridges.
I don't think I can draw any clear conclusions on the Phantom since I have not heard it in my system. All of the posts from Graham 2.2 owners that have moved up to the Phantom are overwhelmingly positive in favor of the Phantom.
I love my 2.2, but the Tri-Planar was clearly superior to the sound I get from the Graham 2.2 I have spent time playing with the damping fluid (and got very positive results), but in the end the Tri-Planar was far superior.
I am using the Phantom with a Helikon mounted on an Oracle Delphi MKV SE. The results are excellent. The Phantom is a remarkably revealing tonearm with super dynamics and control. The Phantom is amazing at extracting additional information but always manages to facilitate a natural balanced musical presentation. With the Phantom the speed and power on drums is breathtaking. The soundstage is huge and open with tremendous bloom and air. The presentation is always smooth and musical. It exceeds the Graham 2.2 and the Zeta in my system in every musical category and not by a small margin.
George,you may like your Phantom better than your previous ZETA,BUT you will HAVE to concede that the classic wooden box,that the ZETA came in, is beyond reproach!!I STILL have mine,and it makes a great audio accessories storage facility!!How about the "Carved" top!!Bet the Phantom packaging is NO contest there!!

BTW--My Zeta box used to do duty storing "Something more organic"(back in my college days).That was until my parents found it!Now it serves as my "analog accessories" box!It's NOT for sale,though the Shun Mook boys' boxing comes close!!