I use a Syrah with an Oracle/Syrinx/zyx airy and a Linn Sondek/Kuzma arm and Koetsu Black.
Both work well but I prefer the healthier output of the Koetsu with the Syrah.
I have used Benz Micro Glider L2s which sound fine with the Syrah.
The Benz ace (medium output 0.8mV)might be a good choice with the Rega arm, just above your budget but a lot of cartridge for the money.
Both work well but I prefer the healthier output of the Koetsu with the Syrah.
I have used Benz Micro Glider L2s which sound fine with the Syrah.
The Benz ace (medium output 0.8mV)might be a good choice with the Rega arm, just above your budget but a lot of cartridge for the money.