Grado Reference vs Benz Glider and H2

I'm looking to replace my beloved Grado Reference and thought a Benz Glider or H2 might be a nice change.

I love the lush, rich midrange and vocals the Grado gives but am curious about other cartridges.

How does the Glider and higher priced h2 compare to the Grado Reference. Keeping in mind that I'm spoiled by the fabulous cartidge I already have. Will I be taking a step back or fowards by buying a Benz?

I'm not willing to sacrifice anything that the Grado gives me when I can just go buy another one. I use an EAR834P with a Rega arm on a suspended table with metal platter like the Linn.

Finally I am led to believe that the Grado is not compliant with the Rega arm which is evident from all the subsonics I get. Is the Benz a better match?
I had the Benz Glider and though it was well reviewed, I was generally disappointed with it. It lacked dynamics, and I thought was muted no matter where, or how I set it up. The H2 would be a much better suggestion given the choices you listed.
I use the Grado Reference Reference and I am curious about finding a comparable replacement.

This is a really good cartridge so it's gonna take something exceptional to satisfy me.

I am interested in suggestions
I have the Grado Reference Reference as well,and I would find it very difficult to obtain a higher level of performance unless you spend a great deal more money
on say a Lyra Titan MC for 4K,ourelse the top of the line Grado Statement which is a very low output and would need alot of gain in the phono stage.
The mid band reproduction is just so incredible on this cartridge that I would find it very difficult to part with
IMO.I cannot comment on the other cartridges you have posted above .I have not heard those,But the Titan Lyra does perform much better then the Grado from what I heard from this cartridge at the Audiofest by a wide margin,But it cost much much more as well.
Good Luck
Happy Listening