Trying to get back into Lps, I seem to be throwing

I would appreciate some advice on what I can do to improve my record listening pleasure. I have rescently purchased the Project perspective turntable and have installed the Sumiko blackbird MC cartridge as well. So far I am very disappointed in the sound quality from top to bottom. At this point I seem to be throwing money right down the tubes. My equiptment consists of a McIntosh C37 preamp with the standard MM output and 2 McIntosh 7200 amps with Aerial 9 speakers. I also have an ESound E5 cd player which has been upgraded by Joseph Chow (early 70s Kenwwood fame).
Larryparka if you don't "care" please don't contribute to the thread. And try not to be so rude.
Rauliruegas...Some people think that a transformer is a "purer" way to get gain than an active circuit. Six of one and half a dozen the other. All I know is that the Signet transformer which I used performed very well indeed, which was contrary to my expectation at the time.

Although the specs on the pickup and the electronics (as reported above) suggest that it ought to work, I still have my doubts. In fact, I guess it does "work", but not in a way that Powers55 likes.

It seems to me that trying a reasonably-priced trasformer is a practical course of action, and, as a side benefit, prepares the way for a low output MC pickup, which is where the real virtues of MC are (IMHO) to be found.
FWIW thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

I have never posted in the analog forum because as you have already found out there are some very knowledgeable people in here.

I have a Project RM4 with a Sumiko Bluepoint. A modest setup in comparrison to yours. After our remodel I set the system back up in our family room. Every thing sounded fine from my digital front end. For the analog it sounded like a bad CD player where as before it sounded fine.

What had changed the room yes from carpet to hardwood. I set up the system on the long wall instead of the short wall as before. We also setup a new oak entertainment center which provides a much sturdier base for the TT.

Either by being moved or not having the proper tracking force to begin with, turned out to be my problem. My tracking force was set a 1.25 once I set to 1.6 my vinyl mellowed out considerbly. I used a gague to set the tracking force this time.

As far as the bass goes due to the limitations of vinyl the bass is always compressed so you may not hear the bass you are accoustomed to on CD.

If the PERSPECTIVE uses the same arm as the RM4 and I think it does to adjust the VTA take a deck of cards and shim the cartridge. Not the optimom but it works since the arm can't be adjusted up or down.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
