I currently have A VPI Scoutmaster and with a Clearaudio
Discovery Cartridge. I have a Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport and a Thor Audio Dac. I find that the sound of my CD's are more detailed clearer and more dynamic. Now the
prevailing thought seem to be that a properly set up turntable will sound better than the best digital. Well maybe I should upgrade my Scoutmaster to a Super Scoutmaster with the new JMW 9 signature arm with the
better wiring, etc. But, I thought about sending it back to VPI directly, but I'd rather have a dealer in the New York area do the upgrade for me and set up the table. I am willing to take one more shot at vinyl. I have purchased
some really good vinyl such as Eva Cassidy songbird, but most of the time with no cleaning, no fuss, the cd sounds better. I have a pair of Quadd 988's with Thor linestage, phonestage and tpa 150 monblocks. So I would appreciate
if there was a New York dealer that could set up my table
and truly one that is "expert". I don't see throwing another $3300.00 into my Scoutmaster to a Super Scoutmaster unless somebody that really knows what he is doing can set it up. I'm still looking for that supposedly superior vinyl sound. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Dear Kjl: +++++ " Any suggestions would be welcomed. " +++++

About the NY dealer, I think that VPI can tell you if there is some one at NY area that can do that job.

Of course that that up-grade could help you and I think that a different tonearm that could be a better match for your Discovery could help too.

+++++ " if there was a New York dealer that could set up my table
and truly one that is "expert". " +++++

This statement could tell me that perhaps you need to re-align your cartridge. I know very well the Discovery and is a very fine performer and maybe you are not taking out all the Discovery virtues. I think too that the people at Clearaudio can help you to take out all the best from the Discovery, ask them.

Regards and enjoy the music.
914-421-0069 "Toys From The Attic" is a V.P.I. dealer.
203 Mamaroneck Ave.White Plains,N.Y.
Mario knows tables inside and out.
Tell him Dave sent you.
I don't know exactly where you live, but an excellent one just outside of Rochester is the Analog Shop. They are an authorized VPI dealer; so I am sure they would fit the bill exactly. Very helpful. Check out their site for contact info, and give them a call:
Another vote for Mario at Toys from the Attic - he's very knowledgable and a great guy to deal with. Tell him Tireguy said hi ;)