I currently have A VPI Scoutmaster and with a Clearaudio
Discovery Cartridge. I have a Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport and a Thor Audio Dac. I find that the sound of my CD's are more detailed clearer and more dynamic. Now the
prevailing thought seem to be that a properly set up turntable will sound better than the best digital. Well maybe I should upgrade my Scoutmaster to a Super Scoutmaster with the new JMW 9 signature arm with the
better wiring, etc. But, I thought about sending it back to VPI directly, but I'd rather have a dealer in the New York area do the upgrade for me and set up the table. I am willing to take one more shot at vinyl. I have purchased
some really good vinyl such as Eva Cassidy songbird, but most of the time with no cleaning, no fuss, the cd sounds better. I have a pair of Quadd 988's with Thor linestage, phonestage and tpa 150 monblocks. So I would appreciate
if there was a New York dealer that could set up my table
and truly one that is "expert". I don't see throwing another $3300.00 into my Scoutmaster to a Super Scoutmaster unless somebody that really knows what he is doing can set it up. I'm still looking for that supposedly superior vinyl sound. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Try W4 between Broadway and Mercer St just opposite of the Tower Records. They're auth. dealers of VPI. I don't remember their precise name but you may find them right next to "Other Music" store(which I would also recommend you to visit)

Happy Holidays.
Try Toys From The Attic in White Plains on Mamaroneck Avenue. They are a VPI dealer and Mario can expertly set up your table as well.
Hi I live in New York City also and have the Scout Master as well and my turn table / cartridge are way better then my CD player. By that I mean there is way more dynamics and the treble is on another level, just more open, more detail I guest my question to you is what phono pre-amp are you using and what the rest if your system consist of? And also why go to a dealer when you can get on the Garden State parkway and drive to VPI within 30 minutes from Brooklyn, Or just give Mike or Harry a call, they can put you in the right direction.
Welcome to the real world. Superior pops & clicks ahead even with assiduous record care.
Dear Kjl: +++++ " Any suggestions would be welcomed. " +++++

About the NY dealer, I think that VPI can tell you if there is some one at NY area that can do that job.

Of course that that up-grade could help you and I think that a different tonearm that could be a better match for your Discovery could help too.

+++++ " if there was a New York dealer that could set up my table
and truly one that is "expert". " +++++

This statement could tell me that perhaps you need to re-align your cartridge. I know very well the Discovery and is a very fine performer and maybe you are not taking out all the Discovery virtues. I think too that the people at Clearaudio can help you to take out all the best from the Discovery, ask them.

Regards and enjoy the music.
914-421-0069 "Toys From The Attic" is a V.P.I. dealer.
203 Mamaroneck Ave.White Plains,N.Y.
Mario knows tables inside and out.
Tell him Dave sent you.
I don't know exactly where you live, but an excellent one just outside of Rochester is the Analog Shop. They are an authorized VPI dealer; so I am sure they would fit the bill exactly. Very helpful. Check out their site for contact info, and give them a call:
Another vote for Mario at Toys from the Attic - he's very knowledgable and a great guy to deal with. Tell him Tireguy said hi ;)
I never left Dave... that being said its great to be back :)

Hope your having a great Christmas!
My thoughts:

Ceedees are always going to be more clear, more dynamic, have less background noise, etc. than l.p.'s. What vinyl brings to the table [har], at least for me, is more air around the notes, a more lifelike decay, a more lush, musical sound, and lack of listener fatigue. The positives that I find in vinyl outweigh the negatives [surface noise, inconvenience] to the point that I listen to vinyl 90% of the time. My cd rig is decent, [BAT VK-D5]. I could make upgrades on the digital side, but I enjoy the vinyl so much, and I have so many albums compared to cd's [3000 to 500] that I'm sticking to vinyl.

I guess my point is that if you have your scout/jmw9 optimally set up, and are cleaning your records well [rcm],
and you still prefer your digital stuff, putting another 3000 smacks into your analog rig ain't gonna do it for ya!
That scout is a good tt. I had one, and eventually upgraded to an Aries 2/JMW12.5, but frankly the improvement was only incremental, and though I wouldn't switch back, I'd be more than happy with that scout/9 setup. My scout/9 was what really turned me on to vinyl. Your results were different! Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy your cd's.

This is all IMHO, I'd just hate to see you throw more money at a medium that's not working for you.
The Scoutmaster is an excellent table in it's own right. Before you start chasing your tail and spending more money,
Raul's advice seems to be the best approach at this point. Make sure your cart is properly set up. If you are happy with the alignment and tracking force, play around with adjusting the VTA up and down in very small increments. Your ears will tell you when things have snapped into focus.
Dear Kjl:Now, if the cartridge is properly set up: overhang, VTA, VTF, load impedance, etc, etc., and still you have problems with it then we can think in a fault in the Discovery or a fault on the phono preamp.

If you can try another cartridge in your system and try the Discovery in other audio system, in this way you really can know what happen.

Regards and enjoy the music.