Teres, Galibier and Redpoint

After a lot of research deciding whether I should upgrade the motor on my Avid Volvare or my cartridge I have now decided that upgrading my transport is the way to go. I don't have to worry about motor compatability problems and I can always upgrade my cartridge at a later date. Being that I nearly always prefer pursueing the small company, and that the unsuspended route seems right, the three shops above have really caught my interest.

The Teres 320 or 340, Galibier Gavia and Redpoint Model A all cost about the same. But the same problem arises, I don't have an opportunity to hear and compare them and unless it's on my system, it doesn't really matter. I in no way mean to insult Chris, Thom or Peter, but what seperates these three tables in term of sonics? I say this only because they are contributors to this forum. Anyone have any opinions?

My arm is a Tri-Planar VII. Phonostage a Thor. Art Audio SET amps. Systrum rack. Thanks for your input. Richard
Thanks! I'm sure this table will be with me for many years, which is why I took my time with this.

I already have a new Triplanar VII and a Graham 2.2. I'm getting a Dynavector XV-1s for now. I'm still looking for something a little more compliant for the Graham. Maybe zyx airy 2 or 3, or Transfiguration.
Congratulations on all of your hard work and decision. I don't think you could go wrong with either a Teres or Galibier and I am sure you will be ecstatic with your decision.
A note of caution, the Airy3 and Graham 2.2 was not a suitable match at all in my system. The Graham was not able to control the Airy3. It was dynamic with great detail, but extremely harsh. Put the Airy3 on a Schroder Reference or Tri-Planar and you would be fine.. The UNIverse on the other hand was wonderful on the Graham 2.2. It is a lot more money, but well worth the difference and the UNIverse loves the Tri-Planar (ask Thom or Doug).
The Airy2 sounded better overall with the Graham 2.2 , but the UNIverse is so, so far better, it would be worth saving up for it. With the UNIverse, you would have a great match with either the Tri-Planar or the Graham 2.2.
Thanks for the waring, Larry. That's very interesting. So, are the Airys less compliant or is this possibly something that might be improved with the extra headshell weight? I was impressed with both the Dynavector and UNIverse. They each seem to have a characteristic over the other. The Dyna seems a tad more dynamic and the UNI seems to have more of a neutral tone.
So which Galibier did you decide on? What was your thinking on the various models vs. costs, and how it would mate w/your 2 arms? Sounds like you'll end up with a winner either way. Cheers,


Congrats on your decision and thanks for sharing your journey with us. I expect Thom's table will keep you spinning and smiling for many years, perhaps forever.

I believe Thom's shipping account with UPS has a mileage limit, and that NH is just beyond it. As a practical matter you could have him ship the table to us in CT. You could pick it up at your convenience of course, after I've done a thorough same-system A/B of course! <:~)

Our Airy 2/3 review mentioned exactly what Larry just warned you about. The Airy 3/Graham 2.2 combo was too excitable from the upper mids on up. Four of us spent an entire day trying to tame it, to no avail. Mehran does have happy Airy 3/Graham 2.2 owners, so it may have been something else in the system , but no other cartridge I've heard on Larry's Graham was so problematic.

The specific design goal for the Airy 3 was "greater freedom" than the Airy 2, which is neutral but rather "polite". The Airy 3 does provide far greater freedom (ie, dynamics), but it needs a well controlled arm. A TriPlanar will control the Airy 3, just.

If most of your vinyl listening is rock I'd be wary of the Airy 2. You might find it too tame. If the UNIverse is out of reach, an Airy 3/TriPlanar will provide ZYX's famed neutrality and also rock the house.

Get the SB option no matter which ZYX you choose. It will help on either of your arms. Consider the silver coils if you want a tiny bit of smoothing on leading edge mids and highs. (Like a Koetsu, but not as much.) Choose copper coils if you want crisper, more natural and more dynamic transient responses.

I've actually not heard a cartridge I like on Larry's 2.2. Maybe follow SirSpeedy's lead and try a Transfiguration? He seems very happy with that combo.