P.S from Chazzbo
O course all of that suff mixed ain bowl I would forget the second most important ingrediant other that the surficant (the dish liquid.soap) but take the empty jug and and a pint of rubbing alchohol thne afte mixing it a bit pour all back into the jug.Of course you will be left with a point of liquid to dumpo i the drain but it might make mold spores immune (kind of like Alligators in NYC sewers) so I would say put it inpint bpttle and use as stopping stuffer.I have heard froma number of froma number of sources that alkcohol isgoiing to dry out but others including chemists have said "B.S>"Anyway this is a aslo a good reason with a new LP to do the final wash.I hope I said I only do all this B.S on new LP's ones picked up at tage sales or Ebay where they maybe gummy ans smoky,After that I just use 16.5 or Alsop evry few playes (I avoid dry brushes-cheap but just puch crap arounf even the best of them,).And if someone goes throughmy ritual or even 2.3 or it hit your LP with your Milty Zw\erostat to stop a charge from building up.Probaly do it about every 2-5 plays anyway,.Indespensible.
O course all of that suff mixed ain bowl I would forget the second most important ingrediant other that the surficant (the dish liquid.soap) but take the empty jug and and a pint of rubbing alchohol thne afte mixing it a bit pour all back into the jug.Of course you will be left with a point of liquid to dumpo i the drain but it might make mold spores immune (kind of like Alligators in NYC sewers) so I would say put it inpint bpttle and use as stopping stuffer.I have heard froma number of froma number of sources that alkcohol isgoiing to dry out but others including chemists have said "B.S>"Anyway this is a aslo a good reason with a new LP to do the final wash.I hope I said I only do all this B.S on new LP's ones picked up at tage sales or Ebay where they maybe gummy ans smoky,After that I just use 16.5 or Alsop evry few playes (I avoid dry brushes-cheap but just puch crap arounf even the best of them,).And if someone goes throughmy ritual or even 2.3 or it hit your LP with your Milty Zw\erostat to stop a charge from building up.Probaly do it about every 2-5 plays anyway,.Indespensible.